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Order using a Template:

  1. Please make your template & send it to us (see below).
  2. We will try to match the pattern & tell you what seat you have, if your pattern is new to us we will add it to our database.
  3. When we confirm your design you will be invited to purchase the seat, we will need to know what colour or shade wood you require plus the type of fixings.
  4. Only once we are confident that we can supply your seat will we ask for payment
  5. Payment may be made by credit card online or over the telephone or you can send us a cheque.


How to make a template:

Do you have the original seat and are you happy with the fit and shape?
Use some card or stiff good quality paper. Lay the seat on top and draw around the seat AND hinge as shown. Use a thin tipped felt tip marker. Ensure that the hinge position is shown on the template Mark the template with your name, address and phone number and post to us at Goodwood Bathrooms, Church Road, North Mundham, Chichester PO20 1JU.


You do not have the original seat or you are not happy with the shape of the old seat you will need to make a template of the pan.
Use some card or stiff good quality paper. Remove the old seat and any hinges from the pan so that the surface is smooth Lay the card on top of the pan as shown. If you push the edge up hard against the wall or the cistern it will help keep the card still. Draw around the underside of the card so the outside shape of the pan is traced onto the card (best with 2 people).
We will contact you when
we receive the template.
Pierce or mark the card to denote the positions of the holes that the seat fix. Mark the template that it is of the pan along with your name and address and phone number and post to us at Goodwood Bathrooms, Church Road, North Mundham, Chichester PO20 1JU.